Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What Color Are Christians?

Sounds like a silly question, doesn't it?

But those who follow Jesus know that God's mission in Christ is the restoration of all things and that, in the meantime, we are to be stewards (let's just call ourselves gardeners) of God's good creation. (It must be good if the Lord was embodied here, being so physical/material/natural and all.)

Such an understanding and vocation (from the Latin vox, which means "voice; so we are to be the "voice" of God speaking to and into a world that groans to be made right again) makes all of us artists of a sort.

We create (Or is it re-create? No, I think it's create.) an ecosystem/environment that reflects the wholeness and goodness intended by God. As creators (co-creators), we reflect accurately the reality that we are made in the image of God, who is inherently creative (being "the Creator" and all).

We not only add to the beauty of creation, we also preserve the natural environment and shape our habitats in such a way as to prepare them and ourselves for the day when God will re-inhabit the renewed earth. Yes, we will go back to the garden, in a sense. It will be the New Garden, called Heaven.
So, back to the question.
What color are Christians?
To borrow the eco-slang of the day: Christians are green.

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